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Python Python Basics Functions and Looping Raise an Exception

Kennedy Malonga
Kennedy Malonga
22,856 Points

Can you please raise a ValueError if the product_idea is less than 3 characters long? product_idea is a string. Thanks i

where should i test the length of the string instead of the string itself will int() be needed anywhere

def suggest(product_idea):
    if product_idea < 3:
        raise ValueError("characters too short")
    return product_idea + "inator"

4 Answers

Kennedy Malonga
Kennedy Malonga
22,856 Points

finally got it right by mistake

def suggest(product_idea): if len(product_idea) < 3: raise ValueError("characters too short") return product_idea + "inator"

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

No "mistake" there – you got it!   :+1:

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

You won't need int(), but you might need to use the len() function.   :wink:

Lindsey Mote
Lindsey Mote
Data Analysis Techdegree Student 1,147 Points

I'm stuck on this one as well! I used the same code as suggested by Kennedy above and got the following error: AssertionError: None != 'baconinator' : I passed in 'bacon' and expected 'baconinator', but got 'None'

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

Try creating a fresh question where your exact code will be shown.

I'm running into an issue where I keep getting an EOF error on line 5 which is my input line and I'm assuming it has something to do with product_idea being a string can someone please hint me towards what is wrong with it?

def suggest(product_idea): return product_idea + "inator"

product_idea = input("whats your product idea? ")

if len(product_idea) < 3: raise ValueError("please 3 characters or more")

nevermind i r just got it i was doing too much